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Akron City Festival

Category: Event Calendar

Date and Time for this Past Event


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The inaugural Akron City Festival to be held in downtown Akron on Sunday, September 3 from 11am-6pm. The festival will have a family-friendly atmosphere and celebrate our youth as they start a new school year. The festival will include a parade, music, games, talent show, face painting, fashion show, magic show with Chicago magician Gregory "T-Magic" Turner, school supply giveaway, inflatables, and more!

A parade featuring student athletes and extracurricular clubs and organizations will start the event at 11am at Main and Cedar and will travel along Main St. ending at Cascade Plaza. If you have a youth-serving or youth centric organization and want to be part of the parade, please email the city’s Youth and Community Opportunity Director Denico Buckley-Knight at with a description of your group by August 23.

The festival, hosted by Night Lyfe Entertainment, will kick off at the conclusion of the parade and go until 6pm in Cascade Plaza. The magic show will begin at 3pm, fashion show at 4pm, and talent show at 5pm. There will be food trucks, a live DJ, games, giveaways, informational vendors for our youth, and fun for the whole family.

The festival is presented by the City of Akron, hosted by Night Lyfe Entertainment, and supported by Akron Public Schools, UNKNWN, Lock 3, Akron Recreation and Parks, and Downtown Akron Partnership.