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Basic Computer Class Series

Category: Event Calendar

Dates and Times for this Past Event


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Free hands-on computer classes. Learn how to use the mouse, keyboard, Windows 10, folders, the internet, and more. Attend one class or the entire series. Registration opens September 18.

Register online, in person, or by phone at 330.643.9145.

The Basic Computer Class Series is designed for anyone new to computers or has never had formal training. In this series, you will learn how to use the mouse, keyboard, and the Windows 10 Operating System; learn how to save and organize files and folders; and get an introduction to the internet.

Dates, times, topics:

Intro to Computers: Basic mouse and keyboard skills, Windows 10 | Monday, October 9 | 2 pm

Organizing File Folders: Create and organize folders; cut, move, copy folders | Tuesday, October 10 | 2 pm

Internet Basics: Basic internet searching | Wednesday, October 11 | 2 pm

Gmail Basics: Create Gmail account, learn to send and receive emails | Thursday, October 12 | 2 pm

This program requires registration. Please cancel if you cannot attend the class after registration. You can do so online via the email confirmation received at the time of registration or by calling Electronic Services Division at 330.643.9145.