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Here, There, and Everywhere

Category: Event Calendar

Date and Time for this Past Event


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Showing in the Burton D. Morgan Space at Akron Soul Train​

Artist Statement: As an artist I am interested in exploring the regions where culture, decoration and craft collide.  Humanity is encoded with a catalog of cultural and ethnographic data, as an artist I collect this wealth of symbolic and semiotic language, filter it, and distill it to fuel my practice.   In this role I imagine myself to be part Studs Terkel, part Joseph Cornel and part Dr. Frankenstein.

Here, There & Everywhere is based on collecting stories from around the community and transforming them into art.  To facilitate this, stories were collected at Akron Soul Train, The University of Akron’s Myers School of Art and through conversation with individuals on the street.  Stories were recorded and anatomized and transformed into new materials reminiscent of and copied from the original.  This form

of story cataloging seeks out the nominally normal and rudimentary stories of everyday people.   For Here, There & Everywhere stories were recorded in and around Akron, Ohio and the focus was a slice of life of Akron.  No specific time period was engaged and only the most basic of prompts were used, the real beauty of the project was most people had a great story to tell and just wanted to launch into it.  

The work presented here is the culmination of a larger research project which has been underway for more than three years.    This project began in Seoul, South Korea interviewing people about their lives during the development of Korea and the dolce vita years from 1978 – 1990.  While that project was grounded in place and time, Here, There & Everywhere is more free form and pinpointed solely in mining geography for human experience.  Akron has been and remains many things:  fertile ground for creativity, transit hub to locations, and a vibrant city full of unique lives and stories.  Here, There & Everywhere magnifies these moments so everyone can appreciate our shared time.