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Lee McBride Presents “W.E.B. Du Bois on Democracy and (In)justice.”

Category: Event Calendar

Date and Time for this Past Event


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This talk will engage the philosophical thought of W.E.B. Du Bois, discussing ideal notions of beauty and democracy as well as the oppression and injustices that developed in concert with Anglo-European colonialism and modern industrialism. The event is sponsored by the Department of Philosophy.

This event is part of The University of Akron’s Rethinking Race event series, a two-week forum of events focused on facilitating “courageous conversations designed to promote inclusive excellence” regarding race and race-related issues. Thank you to our Rethinking Race sponsors the County of Summit ADM Board, Mercury Plastics, Goodyear, FirstEnergy Foundation, FedEx Custom Critical, Alpha Phi Alpha Foundation of Akron, Ilene Shapiro’s Summit County Department of Job and Family Services, the Akron Community Foundation, the City of Akron, Philip and Paulette Thompson, and Dr. Sheldon Wrice.