Release Date: April 29,2020
Akron Waterways Renewed! Field Work Ongoing in North Hill Area of Akron
Akron, Ohio, April 29, 2020 — Construction is continuing on several Akron Waterways Renewed projects. These improvements are essential infrastructure work and permitted during the COVID-19 response under current State of Ohio public health orders. Design work is also continuing on the Northside Project. Field crews in the North Hill area of Akron are conducting flow monitoring, field surveys, soil borings and installation of groundwater monitors. The Northside Project is one of the last projects within the City’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated Consent Decree. Through the Integrated Planning process, Akron is considering a project that will reduce costs, provide equal or greater benefit, replace aging infrastructure and provide local jobs.
The City of Akron has already installed flow monitors, piezometers and rain gauges in the North Hill area which are measuring sewer flows, groundwater levels and rainfall. Piezometers are used to determine the level of groundwater. Installation of the piezometers required small boring operations that residents in the neighborhood may have noticed.
Additional soil borings will be conducted over the next two months. This field work is needed in the planning and design of the Northside Project.
A mobile survey will be conducted over several weeks and is anticipated to begin mid-May to early June. To facilitate this work, targets have been placed in the roadway (generally in intersections). Residents may also see temporary “no parking” areas during this survey work.
Visual surveys of downspouts and stormwater drains within peoples’ property will also begin in mid-May. Residents impacted by these inspections will receive letters prior to the inspections, as well as clearly marked door hangers. Personnel will not enter any homes and will be easily recognizable with badges and appropriate personal protective gear.
The firms who are conducting this fieldwork include Burgess and Niple, Arcadis, CTL Engineering, DLZ, GPD, Environmental Design Group, and AECOM. The field work will continue throughout the year. Crews on-site are considered essential employees under the current “stay at home” order and will practice safe practices while on-site.
Residents will see trucks and workers in the road rights-of-way and in easements or dedicated utility rights-of-way. Access within all easements will be necessary during the flow monitoring and groundwater monitoring services. All personnel will have badges to identify that they are part of the project, as well as carry a notice with information should residents like more information. Yard signs will also be posted with contact information for additional questions.
For questions or concerns please contact the Akron Waterways Renewed! communications team at 330-375-2949.