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Release Date: March 4,2025

AMATS Presents Two Views of the Future

March 3, 2025, Akron, OH — If you’re interested in what the future holds for transportation in the Greater Akron area, then highlight March 11 through April 11 on your calendar. That’s when the Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS) will present the area’s four-year Draft Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and long-range Draft Transportation Outlook 2050 for public review and comment.

The TIP is the four-year program of highway, public transit, and active transportation projects within the Greater Akron area scheduled to receive federal funds from Fiscal Year 2026 through Fiscal Year 2029. Transportation Outlook 2050 (TO2050) is the area’s long-range plan that identifies regional transportation needs and presents recommendations for projects to meet identified needs over the next 25 years. The TIP and TO2050 are key elements of the regional transportation planning process within Portage and Summit counties and northeastern Wayne County.

The Draft TIP and Draft TO2050 will be available for public comment from March 11 through April 11 at, the AMATS X and Facebook pages - @AMATSPlanning, and the AMATS office in downtown Akron. The March 20 virtual meeting of the AMATS Citizens Involvement Committee will present these draft items at 6:30 p.m. To participate in this meeting, please visit or call 330-375-2436 for more information.

Public meetings regarding the Draft TO2050 are also scheduled at the following dates, times, and locations:

Wednesday, April 2, 2025: 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Akron-Summit County Public Library, Main Library, Meeting Room 1

60 S High St, Akron, OH 44326

Thursday, April 3, 2025: 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Kent Free Library, 2nd Floor Meeting Room

312 W Main St, Kent, OH 44240

For more information about the TIP, TO2050 and the regional transportation planning process, please click here.