Release Date: February 24,2021
City of Akron Announces 2023 East Exchange Street Corridor Project
Public comments are requested by March 29, 2021
Akron, Ohio, February 23, 2021 — The City of Akron will be constructing comprehensive roadway improvements on East Exchange Street between the limits of Broadway and Fountain Street beginning in 2023. Per state requirements, an opportunity for public feedback is necessary before such a project can commence. In lieu of the usual in-person meeting, the City of Akron will be providing information on our website to provide an opportunity to share information and solicit public comments. Project improvements will include full depth asphalt pavement, providing two travel lanes for vehicular traffic in each direction and center turn lanes (total five lane section), plus bike lanes in each direction, and parking in key locations. In addition, new traffic signals will be installed along with upgraded lighting and other utilities.
As a key corridor in the city and within the campus of the University of Akron, East Exchange Street is poised for proper investment to better facilitate economic growth, increased walkability and overall pedestrian safety. Proper investments in paving, sidewalks, consistent cross sections and lighting will better meet the needs of the increasingly bustling corridor that is often full of students, professors and local professionals.
The City’s ultimate goal is to provide a consistent, safe roadway for all users, vehicles, buses, bicycles, and pedestrians, further spurring private economic investment in the area. “Over the past decade, the East Exchange area has seen great investment and growth from our partners at the University of Akron. Retail options have grown and campus beautification efforts have expanded. The time is right for Akron to properly invest in infrastructure and utility improvements, making the corridor a true campus destination,” says Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan.
University of Akron President Gary L. Miller expressed his appreciation to Mayor Horrigan for this planned improvement, noting “East Exchange Street is a vital connector for both the City and the University. These planned improvements will be a great benefit to our community and is one more example of the cooperative and productive relationship between UA and the City of Akron.”
Please visit the City of Akron Engineering Bureau for more information or to submit comments to the City of Akron regarding the East Exchange Street Corridor Project. Comments are due by March 29, 2021.
General questions, comments, or concerns may be emailed to or mailed to:
Akron Engineering Bureau
166 South High Street
Design Division Room 701
Akron, Ohio 44308
Attn: Christine Jonke P.E.