Release Date: October 23,2018
City to host public meeting on second phase of Main Street corridor project
A public meeting is scheduled on Nov. 14, 2018, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Akron Summit County Public Library located at 60 South High St. to discuss Phase II of construction for the Main Street Corridor project. The meeting will be conducted in an open house format, meaning attendees may arrive at any time, and all residents, businesses and interested parties are welcome to attend.
The city of Akron will be extending roadway improvements similar to phase one along Main Street, from Mill Street north to State Route 59. This second phase of construction is expected to occur in 2019 and 2020, and will be coordinated closely with the current construction. Currently, Main Street contains an inconsistent cross section of sidewalks and parking areas, and has drive lanes of varying widths. Sidewalks and pavement are also in great need of repair. One of the main goals of the project is to standardize and upgrade these features to provide a consistent and safe thoroughfare for all users, vehicles, buses, bicycles, pedestrians.
Proposed improvements will include a new roadway with one lane in each direction and turn lanes as needed, a lane on each side of the street for parallel parking or bus stops, a cycle track connecting to the nearby Towpath Trail and new sidewalks with consistent lighting, aesthetics and amenities, including room for sidewalk cafes. One mid-block crossing for pedestrians will also be created on each block.
Questions, comments, and concerns may be sent by Dec. 17, 2018 via email to or they can be mailed to:
Akron Engineering Bureau
166 South High Street
Design Division Room 701
Akron, Ohio 44308
Attn: Christine Jonke P.E.
For more information about the Main Street Corridor Project, visit