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Release Date: September 29,2020

Grown-Up Play Date Fundraiser to benefit Akron Children's Museum

This year the Akron Children's Museum is bringing the party to you!
Online auction, dinner delivered to you, citywide scavenger hunt, virtual program, sensational swag bag, and trivia contest!

AKRON, Ohio, September 29, 2020 – The Akron Children’s Museum will bring the party directly to you during its fourth annual Party At Home-themed Grown-Up Play Date fundraiser, scheduled for the evening of October 17th, virtually, with a Party-At-Home theme.   This premier philanthropic affair will feature an exciting medley of fun-at-home-inspired entertainment including an online auction, city-wide scavenger hunt, online trivia challenge, swag bag, dinner delivery options catered by local favorites Vaccaro’s Trattoria, Blue Heron Brewery, and Crave Cantina. The highly anticipated online auction will offer over 60 items, which have been donated by local businesses, sponsors, and community leaders. 

Net proceeds will benefit Akron Children’s Museum’s educational exhibits, STEAM programming, reopening plans, and facility expansion efforts. This year’s fundraiser is especially important as the museum looks to  supplement operations funds lost due to the temporary closure caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Executive Director Traci Buckner said, “This event has grown to be a favorite in the community. It’s easy to get excited when you know you’re supporting something for the children and for the community at large.  We are looking forward to seeing all of the adults having their own private parties and playing for a purpose!” 

“We are honored to work with many devoted volunteers, and generous sponsors, who make the Grown-Up Play Date an amazing event, in support of this great organization,” said Witschey Witschey & Firestine Co. LPA attorney Betsy Hartschuh and Akron-based owner of agricultural insurance agency Goff Crop Insurance,  Kristin Goff Durian, who are Co-Chairs of this year’s event. They have been leading the effort for the benefit, and say the event is guaranteed to be a uniquely fun and memorable experience for all. 

Tickets start at $65 per individual and may be obtained online at The online auction goes live Saturday, October 10 and continues through Sunday, October 18.  The self-paced, city-wide scavenger hunt runs during the same timeframe and prizes will be awarded to the winning teams.  The Virtual Program starts on the day of the main event, Saturday, October 17th, at 7PM. For more information, or if you cannot attend, but would still like to support the Akron Children’s Museum, please contact Kristin Goff Durian at  or visit for more information on how you can contribute.

About Akron Children’s Museum:  ACM envisions a community shaped by lifelong learners who provide innovative leadership, inspired by creativity and diverse perspectives. Our mission is to be a gathering place for children and families, where play inspires exploration, discovery, and problem-solving. Akron Children’s Museum is working to establish partnerships and policies that will help ensure access for ALL children, regardless of income/ability to pay, and regardless of any developmental or physical disability. Since 2016, Akron Children’s Museum has welcomed over 160,000 guests, and is excited to serve the community for years to come.