Release Date: January 23,2019
Portage Path earns Medicaid approval to provide dual diagnosis services
On December 12, Portage Path received approval from the Ohio Department of Medicaid to provide substance use disorder (SUD) services along with the current mental health services they have been providing for almost 50 years. This accomplishment allows Portage Path to now fully integrate their valuable dual diagnosis programs and treatments.
“Dual diagnosis treatment involves the integration of treatment for both mental Illness and substance use disorders into one treatment experience. Traditionally, these clients would receive treatment from two separate agencies,” explains Portage Path’s Crossroads programs coordinator Matt Ragon, LPCC, LICDC.
Emerging recent research has shown that well over 50% of those struggling with a mental disorder had at least one substance abuse disorder ( Traditional systems of care can alienate clients and also result in poorer outcomes than those suffering from single disorders.
“Portage Path’s integration of treatment for both substance use and mental illness improves the efficacy and efficiency of application of therapy. There is one agency, one clinician, and one model that provides a seamless, coordinated and focused treatment experience,” Matt Ragon continues.
The Dual Diagnosis Program at Portage Path offers three treatment options for group therapy. The Crossroads Intensive Outpatient Program which is offered three days a week for three hours a day, The Bridges Outpatient group which is also offered daily for two hours and Two Track, which is one day a week. Having these treatment options alongside other services offered at Portage Path such as psychiatric services, medication sssisted treatment (MAT) and case management, provides more opportunity for clients to get their treatment and recovery needs met under one roof.
For more information about Dual Diagnosis Services and treatment options at Portage Path, you can visit for program descriptions and a video about Crossroads.